new media marketing


qm is committed to providing brands with one-stop new media integrated marketing services of digital integrated marketing, new media marketing, user growth marketing and data services through the creative combination of new technologies, new media and new applications. with more than 400 creative, technical and data professionals, it is headquartered in shanghai and has set up operation and service centers in beijing and suzhou. qm is also the flagship cooperative agent of xiaohongshu's pugongying platform, and the core service provider of douyin's xingtu platform, zhihu, kuaishou's kuaijiedan platform, and bilibili's huahuo platform. in 2021, it was named the "media and public relations agency of the year" of digitaling awards, and won more than 20 awards in the industry. the customers currently served by qm cover all the sectors of cosmetics, skincare, fmcg in chemicals for daily use, fmcg in catering, internet and other industries, among them, l'oréal, clarins, abbott, mcdonald’s, tmall global, tencent, toutiao and other famous companies are our valued partners.
